

Dermatological surgery is one of the main components of Dermatology. Surgery for malignant conditions is a major component of dermatological surgery. Surgery for Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCC), Squamous Cell Carcinomas (SCC) and Melanomas are included in this section. Dermatologists excise skin cancers from all parts of the body including sensitive areas like the nose, lips and ears. In many cases primary excision and closure are done. In some cases more complex closures are needed. Dermatologists perform complex closures in the form of skin flaps and grafts. These are from small and simple to larger more complex procedures. The decision on what procedure to do depends on the lesion and will be discussed in detail with the patient.

Some skin cancers/actinic damage may respond to topical treatment like creams (Aldara/Efudix) or PDT treatment (Photodynamic therapy).

A dermatologist is the best equipped and trained physician to initiate and monitor these treatments.

Skin cancers are not the only reasons for surgery, naevi (moles), akrokordons (skin tags), cysts and scars are examples of  non-malignant lesions removed surgically and non-surgically by dermatologists.

Interested In Surgery With Us?

For appointments or general enquiries, speak with our friendly reception staff who will be glad to assist however they are able:

Phone: 02) 6651 7000
Fax: 02) 6651 7010
Address: Suite 214/ Specialist Medical Centre,
343 Pacific Hwy, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450

The Australasian College of Dermatologists recognises the dedication and professional service of its Fellows and their commitment to excellence in dermatology.