Medical Services

Medical Services

Dr Becker provides a range of Medical Services including diagnosis and treatment of all conditions affecting skin, hair and nails.

A dermatologist is the best qualified physician to do regular skin checks and monitor high risk patients with skin cancers. Dr Becker uses Dermoscopy and a FotoFinder Automated Total Body Mapping System to assist in clinical examinations. The FotoFinder Automated Total Body Mapping System is used to do full body photography and sequential digital imaging in selected patients.

Dr Becker is experienced in Dermatological Surgery and perform surgery for a variety of skin cancers, moles, skin tags, cysts and scars – just to name a few.

We provide a Phototherapy Service using narrowband UVB. This can be used for a variety of conditions for example psoriasis, pruritis, atopic eczema etc. We also do Photodynamic therapy (PDT) combined with a photosensitizer to treat a variety of conditions including actinic keratosis, superficial basal cell carcinomas and intraepidermal squamous cell carcinomas.

For more information on the different skin conditions and treatment you can visit the Australasian College of Dermatology website by following this link:

Where to find us

We are situated in Coffs Harbour, on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, in the new Specialist Medical Centre opposite the Coffs Base Hospital. Dr. Gerrie Becker, our Dermatologist, moved to Coffs Harbour in July 2012 to provide a full time Dermatology service to the region.

Dr. Becker also visits Armidale in the New England region once a month.

Phone: 02) 6651 7000
Fax: 02) 6651 7010
Address: Suite 214/ Specialist Medical Centre,
343 Pacific Hwy, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450

The Australasian College of Dermatologists recognises the dedication and professional service of its Fellows and their commitment to excellence in dermatology.